Catholics Come Home In the News

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Rome Reports TV News Agency: "Catholics Come Home: Commercials boost church attendance"

Read & Watch Rome Reports TV News Agency:  “Catholics Come Home: Commercials boost church attendance”, story below:

May 6, 2010. This commercial highlights the vital part the Catholic Church has played in establishing hospitals, churches, orphanages, and schools and its role in marriage, family life, Scripture and sacraments.

The same ad has also increased mass attendance by an average of 11 percent.

Aired in 12 archdioceses and dioceses around the United States, it addresses often misunderstood aspects of the Catholic faith.

Catholics Come Home, a non profit, broadcasts these messages for the purpose of reaching inactive Catholics, non-Catholics or even current Catholics so they can learn about the Church and live a deeper faith. The ads can also be seen at this website

Only 33 percent of U.S. Catholics attend Mass on a weekly basis.

And while nearly one-in-three Americans were raised in the Catholic faith, today fewer than one-in-four describe themselves as Catholic.

Catholics Come Home hopes to change these numbers.

Click to read entire article, and to view Rome Reports TV News Story

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Catholicism and Politics

Catholicism and Politics?

How should Catholics get involved in political life? The Vatican will be discussing this topic on Friday. Read more about the upcoming meeting: Vatican to Study Bringing Catholics Back to Politics.

Interested in learning more about the intersection between faith and politics? Check out the book Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life, by Archbishop Chaput of the Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado. This may be just the book for you!

Don't forget Mass While on Vacation… Parish Finder

Congratulations  in advance on all upcoming out-of-town celebrations this Summer, including: graduations, weddings, family vacations, and more:

Remember, as Catholics we belong to more than just our parish – we are members of a universal Church and therefore we are never strangers when we meet with other Catholics to celebrate the great Mystery of our Faith which is the Holy Mass.

Visit today and click on ‘parish finder’ at the top of the page to locate the Catholic church nearest to your Summer destinations!

3 CCH Car Magnets on one F150 Pick up Truck!:)…Another Inspiring E-mail We Received

We get the most inspiring e-mail testimonials you can image.  We particularly enjoyed this one from a gentleman named Walter, telling us about his car magnets on his F150 truck, and how people respond when they see them:

” I’m thrilled every time I see or hear an ad on the radio or television about Catholics Come Home.

I proudly display three Catholics Come Home circular magnetic plackards on my Ford 150 Pu truck and everywhere I go I see people look at them and on occasion I see them take out pen and paper and write down the web site . I donate whenever I can and always feel the great uplifting that comes when someone asks me what’s the purpose of this organization, and I’m very proud to explain to them the true history of my faith, The Faith that our Lord Jesus Christ founded!
As ever, your brother in Christ Jesus.   Walter”

Get your own car magnet at the CCH Shop, and be prepared for the adventure God will provide!

Marriage and Salvation

Click to read a Catholic News Agency story about Our Holy Father’s recent comments on marriage as an instrument of salvation.

Here is an excerpt from the article, reminding us of the valuable role that marriage and family play in drawing umarriages closer to virtue and salvation:

“‘Marriage is truly an instrument of salvation, not only for married people but for the whole of society,’ he underscored.

“He went on to explain that ‘like any worthwhile goal,’ it is demanding, challenging and calls us to sacrifice for the good of another while also inviting us to “nurture and protect the gift of new life.’

“The stable family, the Holy Father added, is the ‘first and most fundamental school for virtuous living and the qualities of good citizenship.'”

Part 2: "What's Bringing So Many Catholics Home?" – featured on Zenit

Zenit, The World Seen From Rome, highlights in a 2-part interview with founder and president, Tom Peterson.
Read Part 2, below:

What’s Bringing So Many Catholics Home? (Part 2)

Interview With Campaign Founder Tom Peterson
By Andrea Kirk Assaf

ROME, MAY 5, 2010 ( When God chooses a methodology to bring fallen away Catholics back to the Church, he can certainly choose to spread the success from one country to another.

That seems to be his plan with a campaign started by Tom Peterson, an American former advertising executive, who has put his expertise and experience at the service of the Church through the creation of the Catholics Come Home ad campaign and Web site.

ZENIT spoke about the future of the campaign with the founder and president during his recent visit to Rome to address a conference on “Church Communications: Identity and Dialogue” at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.
click to read entire article

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"What's Bringing So Many Catholics Home?" – featured on Zenit

Zenit, The World Seen From Rome highlights in a 2-part interview with founder and president, Tom Peterson:

What’s Bringing So Many Catholics Home? (Part 1)

Interview With Campaign Founder Tom Peterson
By Andrea Kirk Assaf

ROME, MAY 4, 2010 ( It began with a single conversion, a moment in which a soul opened itself to the mercy and grace of God. From there, the Holy Spirit, working through that soul and its particular God-given talents, has multiplied and ricocheted this message of conversion around the world through an apostolate in the New Evangelization, bringing hundreds of thousands of fallen-away Catholics, and even non-Catholics, home to Rome.

The soul in question is that of Tom Peterson, an American former advertising executive, who has put his expertise and experience at the service of the Church through the creation of the Catholics Come Home ad campaign and Web site.

ZENIT spoke about the past, present and future of the campaign with the founder and president during his recent visit to Rome to address a conference on “Church Communications: Identity and Dialogue” at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.
click to read entire article

Visit each day to enrich your faith!

Suffering for Christ

Our Church is so blessed to have examples like Blessed Michael Giedroyc to teach us how our suffering can draw us closer to Christ.

Take a moment to read about this holy and prayerful Augustinian from the 15th century. His life story will help you put your own sufferings in perspective and see all suffering in light of Christ’s own suffering.

Have a blessed day! All of us at are praying for you!

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