Catholics Come Home In the News

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What is God’s Will for You?

Check out this great article on the Integrated Catholic Life by Dr. Peter Kreeft about discernment. In it, he gives practical principles and clues related to finding God’s will for you.

JeremiahByRembrandt-234x300Dr. Kreeft points out: “All God’s signs should line up, by a kind of trigonometry. There are at least seven such signs: (1) Scripture, (2) church teaching, (3) human reason (which God created), (4) the appropriate situation, or circumstances (which he controls by his providence), (5) conscience, our innate sense of right and wrong, (6) our individual personal bent or desire or instincts, and (7) prayer. Test your choice by holding it up before God’s face. If one of these seven voices says no, don’t do it. If none say no, do it.”

You can also listen to the Catholic Answers LIVE audio: Discernment: Is it God or Just Me? by Father Thomas Dubay. In the program, he helps us to discern whether or not God is guiding us at times, or if it is just us…

The Catholics Come Home team is praying for God’s will to be done in your life today and always! Featured in Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Guide to the Internet — Readers' Choice Edition Was Recently Featured in Our Sunday Visitor‘s Catholic Guide to the Internet — As One of the Readers’ Choice in the category of  “Community-Building!”



Compiled by OSV staff

OSV’s Catholic Guide to the Internet — Readers’ choice edition

You picked em! The very best of the Catholic Web in four categories.

Download a PDF of the Internet Guide here»

The number of Catholic-oriented websites has exploded, and keeping track of the ones that are truly useful gets harder as they proliferate.

Some sites are obvious keepers, like the sites of the Vatican or bishops’ conferences. And most Catholic Internet surfers are aware of some of the larger sites.

But what about those hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered by a broader audience?

We asked you for your favorites in four main categories: spirituality, news and resources, opinion, and community building.

May your surfing deepen your faith!
click here to read entire article

Thanks to all who voted for, we are honored to be included as an ‘OSV readers’ choice’!

Local priests optimistic that Catholics still returning home

Daily Chronicle Online

Local priests optimistic that Catholics still returning home


Six months after the Rockford Diocese launched TV commercials inviting fallen-away Catholics to return to the church, the Rev. Tim Seigel is still getting calls from people who want to come back, a ripple effect that he believes started with the television advertising.

The commercials, which ran in December and January, were followed by programs led by laypeople and priests at each parish, inviting people interested in regaining their Catholic faith to meet once a week throughout the Lenten season.

Whatever evidence is considered – like an increase in Mass attendance throughout the diocese or anecdotal evidence, like the phone calls Seigel is still receiving – the diocese and local priests know that change is happening.

“There is something happening here and it’s a very exciting time,” said Seigel, pastor of St. Catherine of Genoa Church in Genoa.
read entire article

Visit to learn ways you can help spread the word about this evangelization initiative through your parish!

Catholics Come Home Debuts New National TV Commercials for "Tough Times"

Catholics Come Home

(August 4, 2010) Roswell, GA—Catholics Come Home will premier their new TV commercial “Home” as part of the upcoming Advent 2010 television initiative.  The commercial, which invites all people “to experience the peace that only comes from God,” gives viewers hope especially during these tough times.  The commercial premieres just as Pope Benedict XVI offers his August mission prayer intention, “That the Church may be a ‘home’ for all people.”

“Home” will air beginning in December in select markets across the United States in English, Spanish and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

Also debuting is a new commercial for, the Spanish language website of  This testimonial commercial features Eduardo Verástegui, actor, producer, and star of the movie Bella.  Eduardo shares his personal testimony of his journey back to his Catholic roots after years outside the Church pursuing fame and material success.  “There is nothing greater than to wake up every day and to use your talents that God gave you to serve Him and to serve others,” Eduardo stated during the Hollywood shoot.  These commercials will premier on Spanish language television in December, in a number of markets across the U.S..

Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home, met with Eduardo in Los Angeles to produce the commercials and website videos for both and the outreach ministry  Spirit Juice Studios of Chicago, following the Peterson/Verástegui story, produced a behind the scenes video of the two commercial shoots.

Catholics Come Home (CCH) is a not for profit, independent charity designed to invite inactive Catholics and others searching for a faith home to the Catholic Church, through television commercials and interactive websites.  In response to twelve initial CCH campaigns and viral exposure of the website, the website has been visited by over 1 million individuals from all fifty states and over one hundred countries, who were moved by the welcoming messages and website. Overall, the CCH TV messages have reached nearly 20 million television viewers across the United States, just since 2008.

To date, CCH campaigns have aired in twelve dioceses from Providence to Sacramento, Chicago to Seattle, helping to increase Mass attendance an average of nearly 11%, and welcoming a total of 200,000 inactive Catholics and converts home since inception.

Now, Catholics Come Home is inviting other families back to the Catholic faith across the country in 13 additional dioceses, including Boston, Worcester, Portland Maine, Atlanta, Charlotte, and many other dioceses and archdioceses.

By 2012, hopes to begin airing on national US television networks and national cable systems, then internationally in the future.

The inspiring television and website advertisements are viewable at  “These messages are created and sponsored by lay Catholic families who have experienced a renewal of faith and who want to bring purpose and hope to other families across the country.  The results are nothing short of miraculous,” said Founder, Tom Peterson.

### is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.™ is a special communications outreach project of Catholics Come Home, Inc.

August Prayer Intentions from Pope Benedict XVI

Join our Holy Father in prayer for his intentions specifically for August, 2010:

Pope Benedict PRAYERPope Benedict’s general prayer intention for August is-
“That those who are without work or homes or who are otherwise in serious need may find understanding and welcome, as well as concrete help in overcoming their difficulties”.

His mission intention is-
“That the Church may be a ‘home’ for all people, ready to open her doors to any who are suffering from racial or religious discrimination, hunger or wars forcing them to emigrate to other countries”.

Share the site with a loved-one, friend or co-worker away from The Church, and invite them ‘home’ to the practice of their faith!

Who started your church?

Who started your churchCheck out this PDF chart to trace the origins of churches throughout history. See how the history of the Catholic Church started with Jesus Christ and how the Church, Christ’s bride, has continued through until today!

“The Church has ever proved indestructible. Her persecutors have failed to destroy her. In fact, it was during times of persecution that the Church grew more and more; while the persecutors themselves, and those whom the Church would destroy, are the very ones who came to nothing.” -St. Thomas Aquinas

'The Emigrant' Irish News Publication features

The Irish Emigrant News Publication for the Global Irish Community features

The Irish Emigrant

The Irish Emigrant – Articles

Archdiocese of Boston wants Catholics to “come home” urges lapsed Catholics to return to the faith urges lapsed Catholics to return to the faith

The Archdiocese of Boston is set to launch a major public relations offensive in the coming year in a bid to bring lapsed Catholics back to church. The campaign will see television adverts run in conjunction with a range of parish events in order to entice those who have left the church to return to the faith. The Archdiocese will join forces with Catholics Come Home, an independent, non-profit Catholic apostolate which will create a Lenten (March 9-April 24, 2011) television advertising initiative for Boston media markets. The commercials will direct the viewer to the website to explore answers to questions of faith and to utilize the site’s ‘parish-finder’ feature to locate their local parish community.

According to Catholic News Service, a recent campaign in Phoenix, Arizona helped 92,000 inactive Catholics return to the active practice of their faith. The Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas experienced a comparable percentage increase following a bilingual campaign in 2009. Similar campaigns have aired in ten additional dioceses such as Providence, Rhode Island, helping to increase Mass attendance by an average of nearly 12%. The next phase of the initiative will target 12 additional dioceses, including Boston, Worcester and Portland, Maine.
click here to read the entire article

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Cardinal Sean's "Catholics Come Home" in Boston Yields Front Page Headline, TV & Radio

Catholics Come Home


ATLANTA, Ga. (JuLY 28, 2010)—Following the collaboration announcement by Seán Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, the secular press embraced the news with:

  • Front page, main headline in The Boston Globe (July 21, 2010), “A Call to Catholics to ‘Come Home’ Again
  • Nearly 12 minutes of Prime Time coverage (July 22, 2010 ) on Boston’s highly rated WGBH TV Program Greater Boston with Emily Rooney
  • Talk Radio coverage (July 22, 2010) on NPR’s WBUR initiatives in 12 U.S. dioceses have helped nearly 200,000 inactive Catholics return to the Church, increasing Mass attendance an average of 12%.

More details on the collaborative launch in Boston, as well as can be found in the current News Release.

### is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.

Front Page & 12 minutes of Prime Time TV in Boston!

Catholics Come Home is thrilled to announce the Archdiocese of Boston as a Lent 2011 partner, one of 12 new Catholics Come Home diocesan partners!  The CCH ads will bring a message of healing and an invitation to those away from the practice of faith to return ‘home’ to Christ’s Catholic Church in one of the oldest Catholic cities in America.

The Boston media has already been spreading the news about CCH:

-The front page of The Boston Globe proclaimed “A call to Catholics to ‘come home’ again.”

-CCH was the topic of nearly 12 minutes of prime time coverage and dialogue on how critical it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus in His sacramental Church, on both secular radio and TV.

Tune-in to EWTN featuring Catholics Come Home TODAY!

CCH will be featured on EWTN “The Choices We Face” hosted by Ralph Martin on:

TODAY! Tuesday, July 27, 6:00pm EST
Friday July 30, 6:30am EST, encore

2010 Top Blog Award Winner!

Catholics Come Home, was recently recognized with the ‘2010 Top 40 Catholicism Blogs award’!  Winners were chosen through a scoring system led by internet nominations, which came from our reader base – thank you for your vote, we’re so glad that the CCH blog inspires your daily life.  Share our CCH Blog, and CCH News Blog with your friends and family to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings with CCH.

Thanks to God’s amazing grace, the Catholics Come Home TV commercials and website are helping hundreds of thousands thousands on their journey home to the Catholic Church.

Will you help someone by sharing one of the CCH TV commercials or website with a friend or two today? It’s as easy as including a link in an email to a relative, friend, coworker, or neighbor away from the faith, and saying something like, “I recently came across this TV commercial/website. Let me know what you think about it…”

Thank you for your participation in the evangelization mission of the Church. With your donation of $500, $100, $25 or any amount, you can help air more commercials that could bring someone home to the Catholic Faith, the Sacraments, and the Church started by Jesus 2000 years ago!


Tom Peterson and your team
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.

CCH Recommends…

Looking for some good Catholic articles?

Check out these great websites, filled with articles from Catholic authors on faith, family, work, morality, apologetics, culture, and much more!

The Integrated Catholic Life eMagazine (
The Catholic Education Resource Center (

Read something to enrich your faith today!

Happy Feast of Blessed Antonio Lucci from your friends at

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