Check out our Catholics Come Home Leadership team, made up of our Officers, Theological Advisory Board, and Business Advisory Board. Perhaps you may know some of them from your diocese or from books you’ve read. These wonderful men and women have helped guide CCH and allow the work of the Holy Spirit to flourish, so that many more Catholics have joined our Catholic Family over the years. Please offer a prayer for them today!
How can you be Christ in someone’s life today?
Take a moment to think about this question and make a resolution to show God’s love in a special way to someone you encounter, whether that be a family member, friend, or complete stranger!
Ideas: a note of care, a prayer offered, an unexpected visit or call, an email inviting them to Mass…be creative!
We are the Body of Christ. Let us always remember to serve and love all of our brothers and sisters.
Blessings to you and to those whose hearts you will touch today from!
CCH Book Recommendation: Along the Way
Check out Randy Hain’s newest book, Along the Way: Lessons for an Authentic Journey of Faith.
Randy Hain’s second book is a thought-provoking, lesson-filled road map for navigating our faith journeys as Catholics. He considers conversion, faith, prayer, peace, parenthood, the Blessed Mother, the search for Truth, authenticity, and more from a humble and uniquely integrated Catholic life perspective. “We are not able to tackle everything at once, so let’s make it simple and focus on what we can do. We need to work on ourselves and pursue lives of personal holiness, never forgetting we are made for Heaven and not this world”…Read more at
Hain’s newest book is being sold at a fantastic discount during the pre-order period (43% off retail). The book is officially available from Liguori Publications around November 15th and would make a great Christmas gift and an excellent companion for this Year of Faith!
Two New U.S. Saints!
As of today, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha and Blessed Marianne Cope are now Saint Kateri and Saint Marianne!
Read a little about the lives of these holy women of God.
“She reminds us that Jesus came for all people in every age, but especially for the lowly, whom God loves in a special way.” -Archbishop Chaput, speaking about St. Kateri
Saints Kateri and Marianne, pray for us!
Happy Feast of St. Luke!
St. Luke, the Gospel writer and physician, is the patron saint of artists, brewers, butchers, doctors, notaries, painters, physicians and surgeons.
In his Gospel, St. Luke emphasizes the universality of salvation, the poor and lowly, God’s mercy, and joy in following Jesus.
“Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men.'” -Luke 5:10
St. Luke, pray for us!
CCH Book Recommendation
Check out Patrick Madrid’s book, Any Friend of God’s is a Friend of Mine.
“The best ever explanation of the Catholic doctrine of the communion of saints written for a popular audience. Patrick Madrid explains in a clear, easy-to-follow style why Catholics pray to and honor Mary and the saints. Using the Bible and the testimony of the early Church Fathers, he provides a concise overview of the biblical and historical foundations of this often misunderstood Catholic doctrine. He also walks you through the standard anti-Catholic arguments against praying to Mary and the saints and demonstrates from the Bible why these arguments are themselves unbiblical.”
Get your copy today from our Catholics Come Home store!
Pope Benedict XVI, You, and Catholics Come Home®!

Catholics Come Home® is excited to participate—with you —in the Year of Faith, called for by our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, which began on October 11!
What is the Year of Faith?
Popes throughout the Church’s history have called upon the faithful to deepen their understanding of a particular aspect of the faith. This coming year, Pope Benedict XVI is calling Catholics to a renewed conversion to the Catholic Faith, asking each one of us to deepen our relationship with Christ this coming year. In addition to the kick-off of the Year of Faith on October 11, the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the Holy Father is convening a Synod on the New Evangelization, where bishops from various countries will gather to discuss the efforts of the New Evangelization in the Catholic Church throughout the world. Catholics Come Home® is one of those efforts of the New Evangelization!
How Catholics Come Home® is helping to bring the Year of Faith into more lives:
The Year of Faith is all about bringing Catholics to conversion and into deeper relationship with Jesus. In Texas, where Catholics Come Home® commercials aired, a 32-year-old gentleman, who hadn’t received Communion since his First Communion at the age of eight, made an appointment with a priest after seeing a commercial, inspiring him to become part of the Church again. Catholics Come Home® is already helping to achieve the goals of the Year of Faith!
- “It was really wonderful when, after the first day of the program, we were receiving calls…from people who saw the ads on television and said that they used this as a special invitation from the Holy Spirit to return to the Catholic faith.” –Archbishop Carlson, Archdiocese of St. Louis
(where 37,000 souls returned to the practice of their Catholic Faith!)
How YOU can join Catholics Come Home® to make this Year of Faith even more fruitful!
1. Conduct a one-day door-to-door evangelization mission with other parishioners. All you have to do is ask neighbors, “How can we pray for the needs of your family?” You will be amazed at the tears and requests.
2. Invite Catholics to go deeper in their Catholic Faith and relationship with God—while on the road! Visit our Catholics Come Home® store to get a Catholics Come car magnet for your car! Or, get CCH Evangelization cards to distribute.
3. Finally, to help the Holy Father in his efforts to renew conversion in the faithful starting this October, Catholics Come Home® is producing three INSPIRED new commercials for the Year of Faith, but we can’t do it without your help!
Please consider supporting the production and airing of these new commercials, so more lives can be converted back to Christ and the New Evangelization can bear even more fruit! We need to raise $180,000 in the month of October. Please help! is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks. Catholics Come Home® is guided by a 30 person Advisory Board, including Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Bishop Michael Sheridan, Bishop Jaime Soto, Bishop James Conley, and other highly respected theologians and Catholic business executives.
Evangomercial™ is a trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc. Catholics Come Home® is a Federally Registered Trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc.
VirtueMedia: Saving lives during the 40 Days for Life
Check out VirtueMedia’s life-saving television commercials and ministry.
These powerful, inspiring commercials have helped save countless babies and families from abortion over the years, and can continue to do so with your help during these 40 Days for Life.
Check out the VirtueMedia website, and share these commercials with friends by emailing the link to the website, sharing the VirtueMedia YouTube channel, or posting a VirtueMedia commercial to your Facebook page! Thank you for supporting life!
The Five Non-Negotiables
Are you prepared to vote according to your Catholic Faith this election year?
Make sure you learn about the five non-negotiables. Share this Catholic Answers podcast with family and friends, so we all can vote as good Catholics this year, defending life and true freedom!
Happy Feast of St. Faustina!
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska is remembered along with the Feast of Divine Mercy and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Learn more about here life here.
To celebrate her feast day, reflect on these beautiful quotes from her diary:
“Let Souls who are striving for perfection particularly adore My mercy, because the abundance of graces which I grant them flows from My mercy.”
“When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within itself, but radiates them to other souls.”
“I have found that the greatest power is hidden patience. I see that patience always leads to victory, although not immediately; but that victory will become manifest after many years.”
St. Faustina, help me to trust in Jesus as you did and to glorify His mercy every moment of my life. St. Faustina, pray for us!