Catholics Come Home In the News

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Press reports Catholics Come Home in Green Bay & Seattle…

CCH In the News:

Tom Peterson, President & Founder, is in Seattle, Washington this week assisting the Archdiocese with many PR inquiries after the launch of TV ad campaign which began this past Sunday, and will air until Easter.  The Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin is also airing a TV campaign this Lent.

Click here to see Seattle TV News Story about the TV Campaign

Click here to read Bishop Ricken’s message to his Diocese of Green Bay ‘flock’ regarding TV Campaign

Visit each day to grow in your faith this Lent! launches in Seattle & Green Bay! TV commercial campaigns launched this past Sunday 2/14 in the Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington and the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

These campaigns will air through all of Lent, completing at Easter.

Please keep these campaigns, and all they will reach, in your prayers.

Visit each day to grow in your faith!

Pope Benedict XVI’s Lenten Message 2010

Lent is quickly arriving…Ash Wednesday is tomorrow! In preparation for this holy season, take some time to read Pope Benedict’s beautiful Lenten reflection on God’s justice. He reminds us all that “the justice of God has been manifested through faith in Jesus Christ.”

Pope's Lenten MessageOur Holy Father also focuses our attention on our need for God:

“Just as man needs bread, so does man have even more need of God. Saint Augustine notes: if ‘justice is that virtue which gives every one his due … where, then, is the justice of man, when he deserts the true God?’ (De civitate Dei, XIX, 21).”

Read the rest of the Pope Benedict’s Lenten message here.

Dive into your Catholic Faith this Lenten season! Learn more about Church teachings at

Calling our young adults home, too!

A new Knights of Columbus/Marist poll reminds Catholics of the strong need to reach out to the young adult community to combat cultural relativism.

“It is very important for the Church to understand the outlook of the next generation of adult Catholics,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, in Rome for meetings at the Vatican. “Catholic Millennials support Church teaching in a wide variety of areas, including contentious issues like abortion and euthanasia. In other areas, the cultural relativism that Pope Benedict XVI has spoken so much about is very evident, and it confirms the wisdom of his attention to this question as central to the New Evangelization.”

 Read the full poll here: New Survey of Young Catholics Shows Promise and Challenges for Catholic Church.

To support Catholics Come Home commercials, which are having a powerful impact on Catholic Millennials in the New Evangelization, visit today! Ads airing in Poland! News Update:

As part of the Archdiocese of Chicago’s December 2009 & January 2010 partner archdiocesan TV ad campaign, the archdiocese also aired CCH ads in Polish on their Polish-language cable stations.  We received the following update from the media rep from Polsat Chicago telling us about 10’s of millions of viewers in Poland who simultaneously saw the ads internationally on this cable station:

“Commercials for Catholics Come Home are also aired in Poland, because Polsat 2 International is a huge station much like CNN and airs around the world on satellite television on a 24 hour basis (without any reruns). The Catholics Come Home campaign is having a huge impact on the Polish populous, as the majority of Poland is also Catholic. In Chicago, there are about 1.5 million polish residents, but including all the viewers of Polsat 2 International around the world, Catholics Come Home is actually viewed by 10’s of millions of viewers.”

To view the CCH ad in Polish, click here.

Visit each day to grow in your faith…and be sure to also share the site with your friends and family world-wide!

How much do you know about the Holy Eucharist?

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have some awesome Catechism quizzes on the USCCB Web site to help you test your knowledge of the Catholic Faith.

See how much you know about the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

“Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven.” -Pope St. Pius X

To learn more about the Eucharist and the Mass, visit

Feeling Bored at Mass?

Sadly, many Catholics haven’t had the opportunity to really learn what’s happening at Mass… By journeying through the parts of the Mass, we hope you will find new excitement in this joyful and meaningful celebration of our Faith every Sunday (or every day)!

Today’s Bored at Mass feature: The Opening Rites

Okay. You just finished singing the opening hymn and Mass has begun! Together, as a community of believers, everyone makes the sign of the cross. Here is what one of the Early Church Fathers had to say about the power of the sign of the cross:

“By the sign of the cross all magic ceases; all incantations are powerless; every idol is abandoned and deserted; all irrational voluptuousness is quelled; and each one looks up from earth to heaven.” –St. Athanasius (De Incarn. Verbi, t.1)

Did you know that the priest’s greeting to you that follows comes straight out of Scripture? “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14). In another greeting, the priest says, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:3). “And also with you!” we reply.

Catholics Come Home Lost & Found Tip: When the priest invokes peace upon you, take a moment to prepare yourself to receive that peace. Ask yourself if you really are in a peaceful state of mind as you begin the Mass. Offer to God anything that may be keeping you from your peacefulness. Chances are, you’ve spent all week waiting for a moment of “peace”—well, now you’ve got it!

To dive deeper into the parts of the Mass, grab “The How-To Book of the Mass” by Michael Dubruiel in our bookstore! Founder & President presents at Legatus Annual Summit

CCH News:

Tom Peterson, Founder and President of, is presenting a workshop at the 2010 Annual Legatus Summit in Dana Point, CA, which is being held this week, February 4th – 6th.  This year’s conference theme is “Challenging the Culture” based on the scripture passage 1 Cor 16:13, “Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be strong.”

Other presenters at the conference are:
His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago
His Excellency Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York
Patricia Heaton, Emmy-Winning Star from Everybody Loves Raymond
Also, President George W. Bush will be a guest at the conference.

The mission of Legatus is to study, live and spread the Faith in our business, professional and personal lives.  Pope John Paul II in an address to Legatus said, “The world needs genuine witnesses to Christian ethics in the field of business, and the Church asks you to fulfill this role publicly and with perseverance.”

Please keep Tom’s presentation and safe travels in your prayers.

Remember to visit each day to grow in your faith and love of Christ and His Catholic Church.

Catholics Come Home Recommends…

Are you devoting enough time to prayer in your life? After all, it’s a necessity. But if you are like many people, you may find praying difficult at times. Perhaps you get easily distracted or aren’t quite sure how to approach God in your prayer…or maybe you just keep “forgetting!”

Dr. Peter Kreeft has this to say in his excellent book, Prayer for Beginners: “What is the main problem with this prayer?

“Simply remembering to do it. This is embarrassing, because this forgetting is so foolish. Why do we forget? Clearly this forgetting is not merely a mental problem. There are mental blocks to remembering. Something in us fears remembering. And I think we all knoPrayer for Beginnersw what that is.

“When we do remember and call him, and he comes and acts, he does all the work, for free! Our part is only to call; the Great Physician makes house calls and charges nothing. And yet we continually fail to call him. Is this reasonable?” (Chapter 9).

Learn more about prayer at today. Also, visit our Shop section for more great book recommendations from our CCH team!

In the words of our Holy Father…

Pope BenedictIt seems like our Holy Father always knows just the right thing to say, doesn’t it? Here are some beautiful words from the introduction of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in Veritate” (Charity in Truth).

“Charity is at the heart of the Church’s social doctrine. Every responsibility and every commitment spelt out by that doctrine is derived from charity which, according to the teaching of Jesus, is the synthesis of the entire Law (cf. Mt 22:36- 40). It gives real substance to the personal relationship with God and with neighbour; it is the principle not only of micro-relationships (with friends, with family members or within small groups) but also of macro-relationships (social, economic and political ones). For the Church, instructed by the Gospel, charity is everything because, as Saint John teaches (cf. 1 Jn 4:8, 16) and as I recalled in my first Encyclical Letter, “God is love” (Deus Caritas Est): everything has its origin in God’s love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it. Love is God’s greatest gift to humanity, it is his promise and our hope.”

Can you see God’s love at the origin of your own relationships?

To learn more about your Catholic Faith, visit today!

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