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Tell Us About Your Heroic Priests – Now Accepting Video and Story Submisssions

Catholics Come Home



ATLANTA, Ga. (April 29, 2010)—The new lay Catholic outreach effort to support priests called™ is now accepting video and story submissions for the launch of its updated, interactive website.

Catholics around the country may submit written or video stories about priests who have had an impact on their own lives or who are doing heroic work—on a small or large scale—in their parish and local communities.™ is inviting all lay people to get involved in an effort to show their appreciation for their priestly fathers this Father’s Day.

Written story submissions should be 250 words or less.

Video submissions must be 100MB or smaller and can be standard or high definition. If standard definition, video dimensions should be 480×360 if 4:3 video or 640×360 if 16:9 video.  For high definition, dimensions are 1280×720 (720p) or 1920×1080 (1080p). Videos can be .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, .MP4, or .MPEG files.

Please visit to submit all entries. will accept and post stories and videos on an ongoing basis, but if you would like your entry to be considered as a feature on the Father’s Day launch, it must be submitted by June 1.

For more information, visit
E-mail all questions to™ was established in Lent 2010 by the non-profit Catholic media apostolate, Catholics Come Home, Inc. ® (  Its mission is to encourage priests and promote priestly vocations.

### is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.™ is a special communications outreach project of Catholics Come Home, Inc.

Coming Soon to Your Pew: New Roman Missal Translation

News from Vatican City: reports from Vatican City that  Benedict XVI is welcoming the news that the English translation of the Roman Missal will be published soon, while cautioning that the liturgical changes need to be made with sensitivity.

The Pope stated this Wednesday while meeting over lunch with members of the Vox Clara Committee. The committee, formed in 2001 under the headship of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, is a panel of bishops who provide advice to the Holy See concerning English-language liturgical books.

…”Through these sacred texts and the actions that accompany them, Christ will be made present and active in the midst of his people.”

“A new task will then present itself,” the Pope affirmed, “one which falls outside the direct competence of Vox Clara, but which in one way or another will involve all of you — the task of preparing for the reception of the new translation by clergy and lay faithful.”

He acknowledged that “many will find it hard to adjust to unfamiliar texts after nearly forty years of continuous use of the previous translation.”

“The change will need to be introduced with due sensitivity,” the Pontiff said, “and the opportunity for catechesis that it presents will need to be firmly grasped.”

He added, “I pray that in this way any risk of confusion or bewilderment will be averted, and the change will serve instead as a springboard for a renewal and a deepening of Eucharistic devotion all over the English-speaking world.”

(read entire article)

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Our Holy Father comments on the digital world

Check out this article from the Catholic News Agency about Pope Benedict’s comments on the Church’s need to “humanize” the digital world.

Here are a few excerpts from the article:

movie pic“But, in order to achieve this kind of goal, media and technology must ‘focus on promoting the dignity of persons and peoples, they need to be clearly inspired by charity and placed at the service of truth, of the good, and of natural and supernatural fraternity.'”

“Ultimately, the ‘indispensable mission of the Church,’ and the task of all believers working in the media, is to ‘open the door to new forms of encounter, maintaining the quality of human interaction, and showing concern for individuals and their genuine spiritual needs. They can thus help the men and women of our digital age to sense the Lord’s presence…'”

Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly Features’s newest outreach,, is highlighted in the April 25, Our Sunday Visitor “OSV Newsweekly:”

“Priests, the vast majority of whom are holy and faithful men, need prayers and support. What an appropriate time, then, for the debut of a new website that provides just those things.“Catholics Come Home, an apostolate that has successfully reached fallen-away Catholics, has a new initiative — The website, which launches June 20, will allow Catholics to send clergy e-greeting cards and spiritual bouquets, and will promote priestly vocations. For a sneak peek, visit

Catholics Come Home founder Tom Peterson said in a statement: “It’s timely to launch this movement during the Year for Priests as declared by Pope Benedict XVI, and to continue supporting the priesthood for many years to come! Our mission is to encourage priests, and promote priestly vocations through our love and prayers.”
April 25 OSV Newsweekly

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Quotes to lift your day!

In honor of today’s first reading (Acts 9:1-20), which tells the story of the conversion of St. Paul, here are some St. Paul quotes to uplift you on this Friday of the Third Week of Easter:

“Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word, that he might present to himself the church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Eph 5:25-27).

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom 12:21).

“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28).

“If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him?” (Rom 8:31-32).

“[The Lord] said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Cor 12:9).

Please continue to keep in your prayers! 'Goes Home' to Rome – Founder & President, Tom Peterson to Speak at Rome Conference

Catholics Come Home

ATLANTA, Ga. (April 20, 2010)—The Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce (Opus Dei’s Pontifical University of the Holy Cross) has graciously invited Tom Peterson, president and founder of and, to speak at its conference hosted by the School of Church Communications this April. Peterson was also invited to present at the North American College during his stay in Rome.

Peterson is humbled to share the success story of the Catholics Come Home campaigns, which have aired in 12 archdioceses and dioceses around the U.S.   Mass attendance has been shown to increase an average of 11 percent following these effective media campaigns.

Peterson will also discuss the new website launched on Holy Thursday,™. On Father’s Day (June 20, 2010), will enhance its interactive website to assist Catholics in offering “spiritual bouquets” (gifts of prayer), e-cards (Collar-Hollers™), printable greeting cards, video messages and blogs with kind words of gratitude to show appreciation for countless holy priests around the world. will be accepting video and written submissions from parishioners around the world on the Web site to feature in its Father’s Day enhanced launch. Countless Catholics around the world are already on fire for this new project to help support priests and vocations, amid very negative secular news stories. grassroots TV commercial campaigns ONLY air when supported by faithful Catholic families and individuals.

God bless you for your continued support and prayers, as Catholics Come Home works to bring even more people home to the Church and continues to remind the media and the masses to encourage our holy priests!

### is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.™ is a special communications outreach project of Catholics Come Home, Inc.

CCH Recommends…

Looking for a great Bible study this Easter Season? Grab a group or a friend and check out The Great Adventure‘s Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom 20-Part Study. There is no better way to dive into this beautiful season than by studying the exciting early stages of the Church as she begins to spread the Good News and evangelize the world.

Also, check out Fr. Barron’s Sunday homilies from Word on Fire. His practical lessons will surely help enrich your faith this Easter Season!

Thanks to all who keep in your prayers!

CCH TV Commercial Helps Lead Athiest to the Catholic Faith

Another  inspiring testimonial we received in response to TV commercials:

Recently we heard an amazing story of a gentleman, Adrian, who saw a TV commercial which inspired him and his family to convert from atheism to Catholicism.  “History was proving to me that the Catholic Church was  the one true faith.”  Read Adrian’s story here.

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