Catholics Come Home In the News

Stay informed about Catholics Come Home!

Saint André Bessette

Brother André Bessette, founder of St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Canada, was proclaimed a SaiSaint Andre Bassettent at the Vatican this past Sunday, October 17.

Check out this video reflection about Saint André Bessette by Father Thomas Rosica.

“It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the most exquisitely beautiful pictures.” -Saint André Bessette "TV Evangelization Effort Bore Fruit" in the Archdiocese of Seattle!

The Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington announces that the “TV Evangelization Effort Bore Fruit” following their Lent 2010 Catholics Come Home® initiative.  Read the article excerpt below from The Catholic Northwest Progress, the official Newspaper for the Archdiocese of Seattle:

OCTOBER 14, 2010

TV evangelization effort bore fruit

Annual parish Mass counts in month of October will provide more accurate estimate of returning Catholics following Catholics Come Home campaign


Parishes in the Archdiocese of Seattle sponsored a campaign inviting Catholics who have been away from the church for a time to come home during Lent 2010.
The television advertising campaign created by Catholics Come Home was effective, but a precise estimate of how many Catholics returned to the fold will not be known until numbers from October Mass counts are tallied.
At the conclusion of the media campaign, the archdiocesan Office of Planning and Research coordinated Mass counts in April that reported an estimated increase in Mass attendance of 4.5 percent, just over 6,000 people, from counts taken in October 2009. In all, 131 parishes in the archdiocese participated in the April survey using the same procedures followed for the annual October Mass counts.
The counts taken during the five October weekends of 2010 will yield a more accurate assessment of increases in Mass attendance, providing a year-over-year comparison for the same month, according to the report from the archdiocesan research office.
The local ad campaign was made possible by literally thousands of small and large donations from local Catholics who wanted their friends, relatives and co-workers to come home to the Catholic Church.
read entire article

Please continue to pray for all dioceses who are partnering to air TV commercials beginning this December, and for all those away from the faith who will receive this invitation to return home to Christ’s Catholic Church!

The Diocese of Green Bay Releases CCH findings!

The Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin announces their findings of a 7.4% increase in Mass attendance following their Lent 2010 evangelization initiative.  Read the article excerpt below from The Compass, the Official Newspaper for the Diocese of Green Bay:

compass icon image Green Baycompasslogo Green Bay

Diocese releases CCH findings

Written by Sam Lucero | The Compass
Wednesday, 13 October 2010 10:37

Survey: Mass attendance increased 7.4 percent after Catholics Come Home

GREEN BAY — Eight months ago, the Diocese of Green Bay began airing television commercials for six weeks that invited Catholics to Come Home. This month, the diocese released survey findings that show Mass attendance increased an average of 7.4 percent after the commercials began to air.

In addition, more than 95 percent of parish leaders and parishioners reported that CCH had a positive influence on their lives.

Kristina DeNeve, director of spirituality and evangelization for the diocese and coordinator of the CCH initiative, released a summary of findings to parishes last week. In an interview, DeNeve said she was happy with the results, which offered some surprises.CatholicComeHomeLogoweb

“Probably the biggest, and most pleasant surprise associated with the surveys was the large number of people who actually began talking to other people once these commercials came out,” she said. “Over 55 percent of respondents said they talked more about faith matters either in public places or in private with friends and family.”

The CCH evaluation used four methods to reach its findings: A parish Mass attendance census taken in 96 percent of diocesan parishes; an online survey completed by 354 people; feedback from parish leaders during CCH gratitude dinners; and random calls to 20 percent of diocesan parishes. “This gave us both specific and general feedback, both verbally and in quantifiable ways, from people ranging from pastors to ordinary people in the pews,” said DeNeve.

Mass attendance

The Mass attendance census used figures taken in October 2009 and figures taken two weekends in April 2010. DeNeve noted that first Communions were held at 75 of the churches in April, which could have affected the statistical results.

She also noted that some parishes reported not seeing a change in attendance. “Some of our smaller parishes may have only had one or two more people come for the sacraments, which may not seem like a lot,” she explained. “And large parishes that have over 500 people at Mass may not even notice if there are 25 or 35 more people attending Mass that day. The program was a great success, but that does not mean our Masses became standing-room-only events.”
read entire article

Please continue to pray for all dioceses who are partnering to air TV commercials begining this December, and for all those away from the faith who will receive this invitation to return home to Christ’s Catholic Church!

Meeting Christ in the Saints

“Devotion to a particular saint always means that the saint in question is held in high personal regard. Not only do we have particular reverence for the saint, but we are spiritually fascinated by his life, works, and virtues. Somehow weSBernard_BR2 are able spiritually to enter into his life: we seem to understand and grasp something of his unique spiritual genius. Not only that, but we want to be influenced by this saint, because the way he lived and practiced virtue on earth is viewed as a thing of compelling beauty.” (Father Michael D Griffin, O.C.D, Saint Joseph – A Theological Introduction)

Which saints do you hold in high personal regard? What about their sainthood most makes them so beautiful to you? Which of their virtues compells you to work toward your own sanctity with more fervor and devotion?

“Ah! from how great bitterness of soul have you often delivered me, O Good Jesus, coming to me!… How often has StAugustineprayer taken me on the brink of despair, and restored me to the state of soul of one exulting in joy and confident forgiveness. Those who are afflicted in this way, behold they know that the Lord Jesus is truly a Physician Who healeth the broken of heart and bindeth up their bruses” (St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Canticles ch.XX)

“Late have I loved you, Beauty so ancient and so new, late have I loved you! Lo, you were within, but I outside, seeking there for you, and upon the shapely things you have made I rushed headlong – I, misshapen. You were with me, but I was not with you. They held me back far from you, those things which would have no being, were they not in you. You called, shouted, broke through my deafness; you flared, blazed, banished my blindness; you lavished your fragrance, I gasped; and now I pant for you; I tasted you, and now I hunger and thirst; you touched me, and I burned for your peace.” (St. Augustine, Confessions X:27)therese

“I have never wished for human glory, contempt it was that had attraction for my heart; but having recognized that this again was too glorious for me, I ardently desire to be forgotten.” (St. Therese of Lisieux)

Good Article Alert!


Check out this article on “The Problem of Evil” by Dr. Peter Kreeft on the Integrated Catholic Life.

“The Cross is God’s part of the practical solution to evil. Our part, according to the same Gospel, is to repent, to believe, and to work with God in fighting evil by the power of love.”

What happens when the Catholic Church uses modern media to evangelize? – Archdiocese of Chicago Blog

The Archdiocese of Chicago is kicking-off their second year of airing Advent TV commercials in the Archdiocese of Chicago, the Diocese of Rockford, and the Diocese of Joliet begining this December 2010. Nancy Polacek is the coordinator of Chicago in the Office for Evangelization, check out her latest blog below:

arch chicago logo BLOG

Catholic Chicago Blog

Hosted by the Archdiocese of Chicago

October 2010

nancypolacekWhat happens when the Catholic Church uses modern media to evangelize?

According to surveys sent in after the Catholics Come Home ads went off the air last January, people really did “come home.”  Parishes reported that after the five weeks of television ads combined with their outreach efforts, more people were attending Mass and participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  An unexpected benefit to the television ads was that active parishioners felt a renewed sense of pride and Catholic identity because of the positive portrayal of the Church on TV.

Get ready for a new ad this year.  Once again you’ll see beautiful images and hear the signature music behind all of the Catholics Come Home ads, but this one may surprise people.  American television doesn’t usually send messages like, “simplicity brings joy and humility leads to happiness.”  While those statements are quite counter-cultural on their own, they will really stand apart when heard next to the usual Christmas advertisements that focus on buying more products to achieve happiness.

This year the focus on Catholics Come Home ads are part of the Archdiocesan evangelization efforts that will take a more personal approach.  The ad called “Home” mentions the peace and forgiveness that comes from faith.  Parishes will take advantage of this media event to promote ways that individuals can develop a deeper faith through prayer and the Sacraments.

The ads begin in mid-December, but the preparation in parishes has already begun this week.  There are eight Orientation sessions that will offer all the new aspects of Catholics Come Home Chicago to our 357 parishes.  The Parish Contacts will get materials and supplies so that their parish can join in this major evangelization initiative in the Chicago Archdiocese and the Dioceses of Joliet and Rockford.  Find out who your Parish Contact person is and ask how you can help to bring more Catholics back home.

Remember to:  “Keep the faith, but not to yourself!” – Share the website with a friend today!

Diocese of Savannah GA Preparing to Launch This Advent!

The Diocese of Savannah, Georgia is preparing for the launch of their partner initiative this Advent.  Fr. Douglas Clark, a priest of the Diocese of Savannah, shared his commitment to the initiative through a recent article in the Diocese’s newspaper the Southern Cross:


Southern Cross Online Edition

The Official Newspaper of the Diocese of Savannah

By Father Douglas K. Clark, STL

Very soon, during Advent 2010, the Catholic Diocese of Savannah, in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Atlanta, will sponsor a “media blitz” called “” in Georgia. The centerpiece of this blitz will be the broadcasting of a series of television spots, in English and Spanish, inviting Catholics who have given up the regular practice of the faith to consider “coming home.”

Some dioceses that have sponsored “Catholics Come Home” have reported astonishing numbers of people showing up at Sunday Masses in the wake of the telecasts. One Western diocese estimates that an additional 90,000 people attended Mass in the weeks following the broadcasts. There is no doubt that the television spots are very attractive and appealing to “fallen away” Catholics and, indeed, to others who may be interested in our ancient tradition.

But the ultimate success or failure of “Catholics Come Home” will rest not on the television spots but on the reception that those who heed them will receive when they show up in our parishes. The Diocese of Savannah has already begun a series of workshops for “Ministers of First Impressions” (clergy, religious, parish staff members, ushers, greeters and so on), to help them prepare to offer a warm welcome to returning Catholics.
read entire article

Please join the Catholics Come Home® apostolate in praying for all of those away from the faith who will receive an invitation, via a commercial on their TV screen, to return “home” to Christ’s Catholic Church this Advent!

St. Faustina reflects on trusting God and the present moment

“O My God

Divine_Mercy_Image“When I look into the future, I am frightened, But why plunge into the future? Only the present moment is precious to me, As the future may never enter my soul at all. It is no longer in my power to change, correct or add to the past; For neither sages nor prophets could do that. And so what the past has embraced I must entrust to God.

“O present moment, you belong to me, whole and entire. I desire to use you as best I can. And although I am weak and small, You grant me the grace of Your omnipotence. And so, trusting in Your mercy, I walk through life like a little child, offering You each day this heart Burning with love for Your greater Glory.” -St. Faustina

Deacon Mike in Atlanta Presents a Homily

As the Archdiocese of Atlanta prepares to bring Commercials to TV screens locally this December, Atlanta’s Deacon Mike Presented a Homily at Mass Encouraging parishioners in the pews to reach out to their loved-ones away from the faith.  His homily is posted on the E-News Magazine Site:

Posted October 2, 2010

Inviting Catholics to Come Home

I sometimes wonder why I don’t have more faith. I bet you sometimes wonder the same thing about yourself. If only my faith was stronger, I think, what amazing things I could do for the Lord. Right!

CCH Home - man in church pews by himselfIt seems the apostles were sharing the same thought in Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 17:5-10). And in a sense, that was good.  After all, they realized that they had a long way to go to become good and faithful servants, even after spending more than a year following and supporting the Lord’s public ministry. They approached Jesus and asked that He increase their faith.

But reflect on how Jesus replied to them. Imagine Him smiling as he said that the faith they had was a gift from Him and that if they but embraced and accepted that gift, they would do mighty works for the Kingdom. All of us Catholics have received the same gift of faith from Jesus. Do we realize what a treasure it is? If we did, there would be no power that could prevent us from sharing it with everyone we encounter in this life, both family and stranger.

CCH Epic - Priest Greeting FamilySt. Paul, writing to St. Timothy, a Catholic bishop he had appointed and consecrated, reminded him of this responsibility that comes with faith. Each of us shares in this gift and responsibility by virtue of our baptism. He told Timothy, and he tells us, do not ever be ashamed of the gospel you believe in and testify to. (2 Timothy 1:6-14)

Let me ask a question… What is the largest religious body in the United States?  It is the Catholic Church. More than 72 million people identify themselves as Catholics. Some estimates based on polling data indicate that only about 35 million of those Catholics attend Mass on a “somewhat” regular basis. And that number falls to about 25 million who attend Mass weekly or more frequently. The next largest group of self-identified non-Catholic Christians in the United States is the Southern Baptist Convention who number about 17 million according to the latest statistics available (I have seen some estimates that have that number above 20 million). The next largest group is fewer than those with no religion at all… about 13 million who indicate they follow no religion. Any way you slice it, the second largest religious group in America is that of non-practicing Catholics who either do not practice any faith or who have joined other, non-Catholic religious groups… maybe 37 million or higher.

Is there someone in your family who has stopped practicing their Catholic faith? Do you know friends and family members that are practicing another faith or maybe no faith at all? What can we do to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church with them?

CCH-Black Vatican Logo (Registered Trademark)The Atlanta Archdiocese is launching an evangelistic outreach to invite Catholics to come home will entail a campaign to saturate the airwaves of both network and cable TV with the powerful ads that have demonstrated their effectiveness. The Catholic Church in Georgia is not the first Catholic Church to use these messages. This campaign is powerful and it works.  For example, the Catholics Come Home campaign was run by the diocese of Phoenix, a diocese of 700,000 members, which is similar in size to the Archdiocese of Atlanta.  Eighteen months after running these ads, more than 92,000 Catholics had returned to Mass and the practice of their faith.

These ads will begin running here in December of this year during Advent as we prepare for the coming of the Christ-child. Imagine the positive, spiritual impact on our local Church were more than 100,000 local Catholics to return to the active practice of their faith. Imagine the return of your own family members.

Take a look at, the organization that produces these media messages. You can learn how to invite your friends, neighbors and family members back to the Catholic Church. I encourage you view their ads and support their work. And if your diocese has not yet begun such an effort, introduce your bishop to them.

Thank you Deacon Mike!  We hope that many souls away from the faith in Atlanta, state-wide in Georgia, and across the United States find their way “home” to Christ’s Catholic Church this December, and always!

Archdiocese of Atlanta Ready to "Welcome Home" Catholics!…

The Archdiocese of Atlanta’s official newspaper, The Georgia Bulletin, announces that TV commercials are kicking-off in Atlanta, and all of Georgia, this December:

GA Bulletin

Catholics Come Home Campaign Kicks Off


Published: September 30, 2010

ATLANTA—“An extraordinary undertaking” is how Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory describes Catholics Come Home Georgia, a program of evangelization to welcome people to the Catholic Church. The program will kick off in December with a statewide media campaign and a plethora of parishioners ready to welcome home inactive Catholics and non-Catholics to their church communities.

Archbishop Gregory said, “During Advent … the Church in the Archdiocese of Atlanta is undertaking a dramatic initiative to invite and welcome back our brothers and sisters who have been away from the church.”

This collaborative effort between the Archdiocese of Atlanta, the Diocese of Savannah, and nonprofit incorporates compelling, professionally produced television commercials about the Catholic faith, airing on major television networks in the state, combined with parish programs preparing people to welcome those returning to or seeking information from the Catholic Church. A website,, has been created in support of parish efforts.

The commercials, created by the, were developed with a particular emphasis on encouraging people to come back to the Catholic Church or to learning about the church for the first time. The ads are set to air from mid-December through late January, with the goal of reaching millions of viewers during that time.
read entire article

Please Keep Atlanta, Savannah and all of our CCH Diocesan Partners in Your Prayers as they Prepare for these Important Evangelization Initiatives!
Learn more about bringing TV commercials to your diocese

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