Atlanta (Roswell), GA
December 28, 2011—At a time when the secular world moves on from Christmas, millions of supporters involved in the grassroots charity Catholics Come Home® (
www.CatholicsComeHome.org) continue to serve humanity. Faithful Catholics from parishes and dioceses across the U.S. and around the world continue this effort of
the New Evangelization.
Nearly five-hundred, 30 and 60 second national network commercials inviting souls home to Church are airing throughout the New Year. These highly produced and creative bilingual ads are airing nationally on top US networks like CBS, NBC, Univision, TBS, Fox News, TNT, CNN, and numerous other through January 8th. Countless donors prayed for this effort and contributed more than $3.5 million dollars to air these national ads, in order to invite relatives, friends, neighbors and coworkers home to the Church. Parishes have seen Mass attendance increase an average of ten percent in many of the thirty archdioceses and dioceses where the Catholics Come Home® ads have aired since 2008. A number of parishes report that over 300,000 people have returned to the practice of faith after responding to a Catholics Come Home® television or website invitation. Now the ads are airing nationally for the first time, reaching as many as 250 million viewers across the U.S.
Some of the most intriguing stories include:
Atheist turns Catholic in Denver
“Months ago, I was an atheist trying to convert people out of faith, Today I have returned to the Church, and now I am learning apologetics and defending the faith” – Adrian
Muslim converts back to Catholic Faith
“I’ve been away from the Church a long time…I practice the Muslim faith, and now I am coming back to the Catholic Church.'” -Archdiocese of Boston, MA
Hispanic woman returns in Boston after years away from Church
“I have come back to the Church a month today. The joy I feel is beyond words” -Jackie
Agnostic teen returns to God in Chicago after hearing CCH Ads in Polish Language
“I’m 17 and I was always Catholic but I started moving further away from faith throughout the last year and a half. I was slowly headed for agnosticism, but when I saw the (Catholics Come Home®) commercial, I couldn’t help but feel a small burst of happiness, and I do every time I see it. In my ancestral homeland of Poland, many people saw the Polish language commercial and received it very positively. I’m hoping the Catholics Come Home® movement will continue to make efforts in the U.S., Latin America, and in many of the secular, traditionally Catholic countries of Europe” – Richie
Young Adult Returns to Church in Green Bay
“Television commercials for Catholics Come Home® aired locally and I was inspired by the media spot that highlighted Jesus calling Peter ‘the rock’ and saying ‘Upon this rock I will build my church.’ After that, I started to investigate the Church. Everything just made sense to me and I knew that’s where I belong.” -Casey
In a time when politics and “occupy movements” steal the spotlight from “the reason for the season”, Catholics Come Home® and it’s grassroots supporters continue to remind the world of Jesus, His Church, and the love God has for each and every human soul. As their popular “EPIC” commercial expresses, the more Catholics who practice their faith, the more humanitarian good can be done in the world.
To receive a copy of the ad for media broadcast or to schedule an interview with Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home®,
please contact Susan Parkin, Program Director, at 678-585-7886 x106, or by e-mail to susan@catholicscomehome.org
CatholicsComeHome.org is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.
Atlanta (Roswell), GA, December 28, 2011—At a time when the secular world moves on from Christmas, millions of supporters involved in the grassroots charity Catholics Come Home® (www.CatholicsComeHome.org) continue to serve humanity. Faithful Catholics from parishes and dioceses across the U.S. and around the world continue this effort of the New Evangelization.
Nearly five-hundred, 30 and 60 second national network commercials inviting souls home to Church are airing throughout the New Year. These highly produced and creative bilingual ads are airing nationally on top US networks like CBS, NBC, Univision, TBS, Fox News, TNT, CNN, and numerous other through January 8th. Countless donors prayed for this effort and contributed more than $3.5 million dollars to air these national ads, in order to invite relatives, friends, neighbors and coworkers home to the Church. Parishes have seen Mass attendance increase an average of ten percent in many of the thirty archdioceses and dioceses where the Catholics Come Home® ads have aired since 2008. A number of parishes report that over 300,000 people have returned to the practice of faith after responding to a Catholics Come Home® television or website invitation. Now the ads are airing nationally for the first time, reaching as many as 250 million viewers across the U.S.
Some of the most intriguing stories include:
Atheist turns Catholic in Denver
“Months ago, I was an atheist trying to convert people out of faith, Today I have returned to the Church, and now I am learning apologetics and defending the faith” – Adrian
Muslim converts back to Catholic Faith
“I’ve been away from the Church a long time…I practice the Muslim faith, and now I am coming back to the Catholic Church.'” -Archdiocese of Boston, MA
Hispanic woman returns in Boston after years away from Church
“I have come back to the Church a month today. The joy I feel is beyond words” -Jackie
Agnostic teen returns to God in Chicago after hearing CCH Ads in Polish Language
“I’m 17 and I was always Catholic but I started moving further away from faith throughout the last year and a half. I was slowly headed for agnosticism, but when I saw the (Catholics Come Home®) commercial, I couldn’t help but feel a small burst of happiness, and I do every time I see it. In my ancestral homeland of Poland, many people saw the Polish language commercial and received it very positively. I’m hoping the Catholics Come Home® movement will continue to make efforts in the U.S., Latin America, and in many of the secular, traditionally Catholic countries of Europe” – Richie
Young Adult Returns to Church in Green Bay
“Television commercials for Catholics Come Home® aired locally and I was inspired by the media spot that highlighted Jesus calling Peter ‘the rock’ and saying ‘Upon this rock I will build my church.’ After that, I started to investigate the Church. Everything just made sense to me and I knew that’s where I belong.” -Casey
In a time when politics and “occupy movements” steal the spotlight from “the reason for the season”, Catholics Come Home® and it’s grassroots supporters continue to remind the world of Jesus, His Church, and the love God has for each and every human soul. As their popular “EPIC” commercial expresses, the more Catholics who practice their faith, the more humanitarian good can be done in the world.
To receive a copy of the ad for media broadcast or to schedule an interview with Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home®,
please contact Susan Parkin, Program Director, at 678-585-7886 x106, or by e-mail to susan@catholicscomehome.org
CatholicsComeHome.org is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.