Evangelization Training Videos
We have created some great educational videos on evangelism and Church education.
Evangelization Resources
Frustration Over Scandals
How to Bring Someone Home
Using Social Media to Evangelize
Importance of the Sacraments
Becoming a More Effective Evangelist
Click here to see more training videos.
Each episode of Catholics Come Home features an interview with someone who recently returned to Jesus and the Catholic Church as a result of Catholics Come Home and responding to the call of the Holy Spirit. Guests include former atheists, agnostics, Protestant Christians, and fallen-away Catholics who came home.
Episode 1: Journey Back to the Catholic Faith
Episode 2: Agnostic to Evangelist
Episode 3: Personal Relationship with Jesus
Episode 4: Loneliness and Suffering
Episode 5: Healing
Episode 6: Faith and Reason
Click here to see more episodes.
Behind the Scenes
Get a behind the scenes look at our productions.
Heavy Burdens: Behind the Scenes
CCH Book Spots 2015
Learn about Tom Peterson’s book “Catholics Come Home – God’s Extraordinary Plan For Your Life” (available for purchase here ).