Sponsor this Ad and Help Invite Others Home this Christmas!

Thank you for inviting others home to church during this Advent and Christmas season! Your donation will help us air our inspiring “Santa’s Priority” evangomercial during the 50th anniversary airing of Sound of Music in prime-time on NBC this Dec. 26!

Help Us Now!

This one ad will reach countless homes nationwide! But we need your help to raise $10,000 to sponsor this powerful commercial. Let us help our culture to remember to keep Christ in Christmas. Please spread the word to others to support Catholics Come Home and our effort to bring more souls closer to Jesus, the reason for this holy season!

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Keep an eye out for additional TV commercials that will air leading up to Christmas Eve on popular Christmas movie networks like ABC Family and Hallmark, as well as news channels like FoxNews an CNN. Other cable network airings include TBS and Lifetime Movie Network. Altogether, we should reach more than 7.7 million adults!

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