Results: What Bishops Are Saying

Our unique partnerships with Dioceses and Archdioceses around the United States and Canada have put our advertisements and programs in front of many bishops and archbishops who have a lot to say about their experiences.

From our Bishops

“Tom Peterson, he’s a real humdinger!  He’s got a statistically verifiable program of bringing people back to the Church.”
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, (EWTN, Sunday Night Live, 12/26/10)

“We are blessed with approximately 37,000 souls who returned to the faith (increased Mass attendance by 8.3% / Advent 2011). Thank you for the wonderful commercials that Catholics Come Home, Inc. provided for people to view in the St. Louis area. I can’t tell you how many times Catholic families shared with me how proud they were when they saw the commercials talking about our Catholic faith. It was really wonderful when, after the first day of the program, we were receiving calls at the Cardinal Rigali Center from people who saw the ads on television and said that they used this as a special invitation from the Holy Spirit to return to the Catholic faith. I thank you for all you did in coming to the Archdiocese and explaining the program to us and also assisting us during the preparation phase”.
Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, Archdiocese of St. Louis


“This television campaign had a significant impact on hundreds of thousands of viewers in our region…heir film television messages are inspiring and of very high quality…Many more people were participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”
Bishop Michael J. Sheridan, Diocese of Colorado Springs


 “I am pleased to recommend the Catholics Come Home Evangelization initiative… Many of our pastors reported significant numbers of individuals contacting them about returning to the Church because of the ads, and our Easter service in 2010 experienced larger crowds than at any time in recent memory.  Catholics Come Home® staff provided outstanding professional support throughout the process…6,050 souls returned to Church.”
Archbishop Emeritus Alex J. Brunett, Archdiocese of Seattle


“I am happy to share with you our experience of Catholics Come Home within the Diocese of Sacramento, California.  Among the clergy and parish staff, there is a shared sense of enthusiasm and accomplishment…we experienced an overall rise in penitents seeking out the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Lent of 2010 as well as many people returning to the celebration of Sunday Mass.  One parishioner recounts how her neighbor commented:  ‘Gee, I wish I was Catholic, those commercials are great!’  Among returning Catholics, the phrase ‘hit home’ was heard time and again in reference to the TV ads…16.05% increase in Mass attendance (20,800 souls returned to Church).”
Bishop Jaime Soto, Diocese of Sacramento


 “I am deeply grateful to Catholics Come Home for the projects they have undertaken in support of the Church and of virtuous living. I highly recommend them.”
Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Diocese of Phoenix


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