Dear Dioceses, Parishes and Parishioners, Welcome to Catholics Come Home!
The results of the history-making, first national prime-time Catholics Come Home® campaign show that these Catholic evangelization ads reached more viewers than the Super Bowl!
These inspiring, bilingual messages of faith and hope were broadcast 546 times from December 12, 2011 to January 13, 2012, reaching viewers across the entire United States and airing in every diocese. Nielsen data indicates that as many as 125 million Americans were exposed to the CCH evangomercials™ nearly 10 times each. The cost to reach 125 million souls ten times…just 2¾ cents per person. The Super Bowl, in comparison, reached 111.3 million US viewers just one time.
We don’t need to tell you that 70% of baptized Catholics worldwide are not practicing their faith and that Mass attendance has plummeted since the 1960’s. As those dioceses that have partnered with Catholics Come Home® to date can witness, the Holy Spirit is working through modern media, guiding Catholics that are away from faith back “home.”
To date, where CCH commercials have aired associated with partner diocesan campaigns, there has been an average of a 10% increase in Mass attendance, along with a deepening of Catholic identity which has often resulted in parishioners returning to Reconciliation, increased involvement in parish life, and an increase in parish and diocese financial support.
This landing page will provide you with parish welcoming resources.
God bless you for serving our Lord and His Church. We are honored to partner with you in helping souls to come home to the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church!
Your brother in Christ,
Tom Peterson
Founder and President
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New Evangelization Resources for Your Parish
Common Questions
How do we bring Catholics Come Home® commercials to our area?
Our mission as a media apostolate is to “cast the nets” to bring souls back to the faith.
Our ultimate goal is to partner with dioceses to air ad campaigns, and also to air nationally (as donor support allows) to supplement these intense local diocesan campaigns. We are currently focusing on working with Dioceses to launch diocesan-wide campaigns in the seasons of Advent (Christmas-New Year) and Lent. If you would like such a campaign in your diocese in a future Advent or Lent, please get in contact with your Bishop’s office to see if they are interested in having the ad campaign in your Diocese. We are happy to assist your diocese. Please have the Director of Evangelization or someone in the Bishop’s office contact our office directly (Please visit the
How We Help Your Diocese section of our site to see what requirements are necessary to become a diocesan partner).
What are popular ways that parishes support Catholics Come Home®?
Although we do not have specific CCH parish-based program offerings independent of our diocesan partnerships, we do have suggestions below to incorporate into your parish. Some resources/elements of our program that you can incorporate into your parish, and ways parishes can help support the
CatholicsComeHome.orgTV evangelization effort are:
1. Embed our Catholics Come Home® commercials at your website, via our YouTube page:
2. Get our CCH website added into your bulletin encouraging parishioners to pray for and support airing national TV ad campaigns ( Remind your parishioners via your bulletin to “Like” on Facebook at: (CCH’s Facebook page includes daily inspiration and updates)
3. Contact your local Diocesan newspaper to write an article about
4. List our website ( in your local newspaper so people can view the site at home, and perhaps be inspired to return back to the faith at your Church.
5. Order “ Evangelization Cards” for your parishioners to hand-out to their families/friends who are away from the Church to inspire them to visit our website on their own time, in hopes that it will stimulate them to return back to the parish for a program such as yours (
6. Order DVD from our site and show the ads at the end of Mass for educational purposes ( – showing these ads is a great way to get your parishioners excited about evangelizing, and sharing the website with those away from the faith.
7. Put a car magnet on your car and evangelize during traffic (
8. Help “spread the faith”:
• “Like” on Facebook:
• Follow CCH on Twitter:
• Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
• Visit CCH Blogs for daily insights/tips:
Why can’t we call our parish program, “Catholics Come Home®”?
Parish programs cannot be named “Catholics Come Home®” which is a federally registered trademark. We want to serve all parishes and dioceses with our media evangelization commercials and website, but in order to do so, we are legally required to keep the name “Catholics Come Home®” exclusively associated with our broadcast and web evangelization initiatives.
Parish Support
Additional Questions?
If you have additional questions after reviewing these materials, contact us at (678) 585-7886.
Our mission as a media apostolate is to “cast the nets” to bring souls back to the faith.
Our ultimate goal is to partner with dioceses to air ad campaigns, and also to air nationally (as donor support allows) to supplement these intense local diocesan campaigns. We are currently focusing on working with Dioceses to launch diocesan-wide campaigns in the seasons of Advent (Christmas-New Year) and Lent. If you would like such a campaign in your diocese in a future Advent or Lent, please get in contact with your Bishop’s office to see if they are interested in having the ad campaign in your Diocese. We are happy to assist your diocese. Please have the Director of Evangelization or someone in the Bishop’s office contact our office directly (Please visit the How We Help Your Diocese section of our site to see what requirements are necessary to become a diocesan partner).