Order a DVD
We are happy to send you a DVD of the Catholics Come Home Ads to use for educational purposes/in your parish, we ask for a $20 or more donation to cover our production and mailing costs and to help us air more ads. DVD contains the entire portfolio of commercials in English, Spanish and Polish, the EWTN Journey Home episode featuring Tom Peterson, and more.
CatholicsComeHome.org Evangelization cards (pack of 50 cards)
CatholicsComeHome.org Evangelization cards are designed for you to share with those you want to encourage to visit and benefit from the CatholicsComeHome.org website and advertisements. The cards are designed to easily be carried along in your wallet, and also work great to hand out to church groups, friends, coworkers, and family. Cards are designed with a blank reverse side for any contact information of your own you might want to write when you are sharing the card with another. We ask for a $6 or more donation per pack of 50-cards to cover our cost of printing and mailing.
CatholicsComeHome.org Car Magnets
Evangelize in traffic! Reach out to souls-in-need by displaying this CatholicsComeHome.org magnet on your car – you never know whose life you may impact that is sitting in the car behind you! We ask for a $5 or more donation per magnet to cover our cost of printing and mailing.
“Just want to let you know that a few days after I put my recently-purchased Catholics Come Home magnet on my car, someone stopped me in the grocery store parking lot to discuss it. He said he was thinking about coming back to Mass.
I knew your magnet was going to impact someone; that’s why I wanted to display it. I just didn’t know I was going to get a personal response. Keep up the good work!!!”
Evelyn S.
Park Forest, IL
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Donec sed auctor dolor. Pellentesque luctus nunc sem, non semper lectus. Nunc nec cursus ligula. In faucibus sem eget nisl scelerisque sed facilisis neque suscipit. Nullam orci enim, aliquam placerat tincidunt a, adipiscing at dolor. Phasellus quis velit tellus. Praesent risus sem, blandit vitae dictum quis, rhoncus non purus. Cras dictum est a ipsum pharetra mollis. In eget turpis et nisl dictum volutpat. Praesent nisi tellus, pharetra quis lobortis vel, egestas ac massa. Donec quis velit neque. In mattis, elit ut dapibus mattis, eros velit mollis nibh, sed vestibulum metus erat sit amet leo. Phasellus suscipit vehicula metus rutrum vestibulum. Fusce eget augue velit.
The Eucharist & The Mass
Donec sed auctor dolor. Pellentesque luctus nunc sem, non semper lectus. Nunc nec cursus ligula. In faucibus sem eget nisl scelerisque sed facilisis neque suscipit. Nullam orci enim, aliquam placerat tincidunt a, adipiscing at dolor. Phasellus quis velit tellus. Praesent risus sem, blandit vitae dictum quis, rhoncus non purus. Cras dictum est a ipsum pharetra mollis. In eget turpis et nisl dictum volutpat. Praesent nisi tellus, pharetra quis lobortis vel, egestas ac massa. Donec quis velit neque. In mattis, elit ut dapibus mattis, eros velit mollis nibh, sed vestibulum metus erat sit amet leo. Phasellus suscipit vehicula metus rutrum vestibulum. Fusce eget augue velit.