Dioceses > Fundraising Resources > Event Based

Event Based

CatholicsComeHome.org works with partner dioceses to achieve the fundraising goal necessary to purchase media-time for the partner dioceses’ evangelization initiative.

As a first step, you will put together a fundraising team, or lead coordinator.

Parish Based Fundraising | Event Based Fundraising

Event-Based Fundraising

Lunch/Dinner presentations at Diocese or centrally located venue(s)

  • On one or more days during a week (i.e. Tuesday dinner near top parishes and Wednesday lunch downtown near business/diocese for example)
  • If large city/diocese may need more locations and days/times
  • Invite active Catholic individuals and couples:
    – Focus on business leaders, lawyers, doctors, etc…from key parishes
    – Include members of Knights of Malta, Legatus, Equestrian Order of Holy Sepulcher, Papal Foundation, and other similar groups
    (- See sample bishop’s letter, RSVP cards, event agenda, event handout, pledge forms below.)
    – Meet with best philanthropists in diocese for “lead gifts”

Three Steps to Begin Your Fundraising Planning

  1. Representative from Diocese coordinating the fundraising event should contact CCH to establish the date of the event (if Tom Peterson is to be part of the event, important to contact CCH early to reserve the date, make sure his travel schedule is open).
  2. Diocesan representative coordinates the invitee list, and invitation mailing/responses (see samples below of Bishop invitations), location of event.
  3. Coordinate large screen & DVD player for audio/visual at event

Invitation Samples – Event Fundraising:
Bishop’s Invitation letter and RSVP (various samples below):

Event Fundraising Materials

Helpful Former Diocesan Partner Contact Person:

Brian Niebrugge
Archdiocese of St. Louis
Director of Stewardship and Development
Director of the Annual Catholic Appeal
(successfully executed the CCH Event-based dinner/lunch fundraising model)


You may likely have additional questions after reviewing these materials and attachments. Feel free to contact our Program Director, Susan Parkin, by email or by calling 678-585-7886 (x106).

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