Dioceses > Welcoming > Best Practices

Best Practices for Parishes

This section is designed to help you prepare the parishes of your diocese to be warm and welcoming. Also, the post-initiative Mass count census component allows you to measure your results and report the results back to those supporting this CCH diocesan partner evangelization initiative.

Helpful Former Diocesan Partner Contact Persons:

Janet Benestad Archdiocese of Boston Secretary of Faith Formation 617-746-5870 Janet_Benestad@rcab.org Greg Magnoni Archdiocese of Seattle Communications Director 206-382-4862 greg.magnoni@seattlearch.org Ryan Hanning Diocese of Phoenix Director of Parish Leadership Support 602-354-2321 rhanning@diocesephoenix.org Sarah McDonald Archdiocese of New Orleans Communications Director 504-596-3023 smcdonald@archdiocese-no.org


You may likely have additional questions after reviewing these materials and attachments. Feel free to us by email or by calling 678-585-7886.

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