More kind words from real Catholics

“Catholics Come Home looks to be the most promising new apostolic effort since Mother Angelica started EWTN…”

“ outreach program is exactly what is needed at this moment in history. Bold, brilliant, inspiring, and professionally presented. It delivers the message that Catholicism is alive and well.”
-Matthew Kelly, author of Rediscovering Catholicism

“The apostolic work of Catholics Come Home is of vital importance to the whole Church, and they are doing it extraordinarily well. Catholics Come Home is reaching countless inactive Catholics, bringing them back to a joyous family reunion…”
-Dr. Scott Hahn, Author, Speaker

“The Catholic Church is a beautiful family and the pillar and support of the truth. As in all families, there are relationships that are either weakened or broken. Catholics Come Home does a wonderful job of welcoming people back to the family that heals, back to the family that understands, back to the family that makes sense out of life.”
-Jeff Cavins, President, The Great Adventure: A Journey Through The Bible

“Best Religious Commercial Ever”

“Catholics Come Home is doing powerful work for the good of souls with its world-class television commercials. Never before have we witnessed such a well-planned, expertly executed, and truly inspiring Catholic media outreach as we see in these excellent Catholics Come Home commercials. Following the example of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, the dedicated CCH team is reaching out to countless fallen-away Catholics with a message of hope, healing, and homecoming.”
-Patrick Madrid, Author, EWTN radio host, and publisher of Envoy Magazine

“As a convert to the Catholic Church, I cannot stress too much the crucial importance of the work being done by Catholics Come Home. Their superbly crafted invitation to come home to the Catholic Church is so needed by non-practicing Catholics and non-Catholics alike. I am overjoyed by the excellent means and method used by Catholics Come Home. It is a message that needs to be shouted from the housetops.”
-Steve Ray, Author, Speaker, apologist, TV host, and convert

“Very well done. The videos are excellent. I really liked the “live” intro to the site. Congratulations!”
-Bishop Michael Sheridan, Diocese of Colorado Springs

“I wish my husband and I had a ministry such as “Catholics Come Home, Inc.” when we returned to the Church some 15 years ago. It makes a difference when you know you are not alone and can share your questions and concerns with other faith-filled people. God bless your ministry. It is truly making a difference and is another example of how Catholics are engaging the culture through effective use of the mass media.”
-Teresa Tomeo Author, Speaker, and host of the nationally syndicated “Catholic Connection”/EWTN Catholic Radio

“A very special word of gratitude to you. Your contribution of the Catholics Come Home video enriched the (National Stadium, Papal pre-Mass) program, that held the attention of so many tens of thousands of people…”
-Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington

“Catholics Come Home presents a powerful message in a profoundly professional and moving package. This will not fail to bring Catholics back into the happy practice of the faith.”
-C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute)

“It is unequivocally faithful to dogma. They see the Church as a port in a storm.”
-Brent Bozell III

“Catholic website drawing thousands back to the faith!”
-Catholic News Agency

“I am deeply grateful to Catholics Come Home for the projects they have undertaken in support of the Church and of virtuous living. The Catholics Come Home initiative is another excellent example of their quality work. I highly recommend them.”
-Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Diocese of Phoenix

“The response was overwhelmingly positive, even among non-Catholics”
-National Catholic Register